Leaving Your Mark Okay, so you've found a beautiful planet, complete with fascinating wildlife and spectacular geography... So obviously you'll want to name it, so you can go back there later and tell other Stardrifters about it. To name celestial bodies of any kind, select Onboard Devices from the main menu, then Galactic Cartography. You will now be presented with several options. Select "Label Star As...". Your HUD will now display the word "Prompt" at the bottom of the screen. Use your keyboard to type in the name you want to give your remote target. Once you have finished, select "Assign Star Label" from the menu (It's in the same place as the "Label Star As..." option was), or press ENTER to confirm. Now, to label planets or moons within the system, set them as your local target and select "Label Planet As...", and follow the same steps. In real life, this data is saved in "Starmap.bin". When you've named a lot of stars and planets, or found something particularly interesting, you may want to submit this file so your stars can be added to the official Starmap. This way, other Stardrifters can visit your stars, and you theirs. For information about submitting your starmap, please read the section later in this document entitled "Submitting Your Data".