The History Of The Felisian Race The Felisian race evolved from the large cat-like creatures indigenous to the world Felysia in the Balastrackonastreyan system. They developed very quickly indeed, far more quickly than humans, certainly. This was mostly due to their long life spans. Because humans last only sixty to a hundred Earth years, when a truly brilliant scientist is born, he only has enough time to put forward the theories that future generations can work from, and therefore scientific advances are very slow. Felisians, however, live for anything between a hundred and a hundred and forty epocs, or about four thousand five hundred Earth years, so their sophistication progressed enormously. However, this speed of progress led the Felisians to a scientific recklessness greater even than that of humans. They developed an almost total disregard for Felysia's environment. By epoc 4100, Felysia was a foul, polluted wasteland. The Felisians had even raped their planet's only moon, Jachrastalun, of all its resources, using its minerals to build their space-craft and its rocks to construct their massive buildings. By the end of epoc 4103, there was nothing left of Jachrastalun whatsoever. Felysia's foul and dangerous environment began to erode Felisian society, and slowly, their previously united civilization broke down into smaller, independent communities. Finally, in epoc 4112, only forty generations since the dating system was introduced, the Felisians were forced to abandon their planet as the surface became radioactive and life gradually became extinct.