Points Of Interest Balastrackonastreya is near parsis coordinates 0, 0, 0. It is an interesting system. Felysia itself has now become fertile once more, the radiation having decayed over the epocs. Now, it is once again a place of life, the only reminders of the Felisians who once lived there being the ruins of their buildings. All that remains on the two moons are ruins, too. But it is still a beautiful planet, despite the ghostly reminders of your mysterious past... Look for the class S00 star called Fenia. This was an ancient Felisian science base, used entirely by the navy. What makes it especially important historically is that it was the system in which the Stardrifters were created. Well worth a look... Ever wondered where your food's kept onboard the Stardrifter? Well, it's in a refrigeration unit on the left wall. But ignore that stuff; it's horrible processed paste that the onboard computer synthesizes from raw elements collected from the planets you visit. If you want to eat good food, you'll have to catch it yourself. Bear in mind you're a creature descended from cats, and go do some hunting! If you can catch a bird, you can string it up and take it back to your ship for lunch. To learn the technique, just watch your cat hunting something, or, alternatively, just play with some string with it, and copy the way it attacks.