FYI: DWNoctis.exe is the Windows port, which is NOT finished, and still has a number of bugs (Think of it as a pre-beta version). If you find a bug which isn't mentioned in fixes.html, you can report it of course, and it'll be added. Normally you would run "Normal Go" to run Noctis, or "Alternate Go" if Noctis via "Normal Go" complained about lack of conventional memory. P.S. GOES modules work in the windows version now. This NICE package is intended to be extracted into a new folder (if this is the full package) or into your existing NICE R9 (or newer) folder (if this is the update package). After you've extracted this, you run Noctis with "Normal Go!.exe" or "Alternate Go!.exe". The Alternate one launches a NIV build which needs a little less conventional memory than the Normal one, but you shouldn't need to use the Alternate one unless you can't run the Normal one or can't run the GOES modules in it. See 'troubleshooting.txt' if you have trouble running Noctis, or doing anything in particular in Noctis. If troubleshooting.txt doesn't help you, then feel free to ask on the Noctis forums at Press F1 in Noctis to get a list of key-shortcuts and such. The key-shortcuts are different in space and on planets. The 'extended' menu contains mostly additional options right now, which let you enable/disable new features, etc. If you're using the Alternate Go! then some of these options will need to restart Noctis when you change them (and they'll do so automatically). Specifically, if you change Temperature or Flying Lander, a restart is required. If you ran Noctis through the Normal Go! or Old Go! then no restart is necessary (but that requires more conventional memory). 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 each select one of the five main menus (In the original noctis, they were 5/r/d/x, and in the pre-merge fixed-NIV 'e' opened the 'extended' menu - That's '5' now). Check out 'fixes.html' for a list of fixed bugs, new features, and known bugs. Have fun! - Shadowlord & Megagun